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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Check Out Mobility WOD If You're Feeling Locked Up!
Give it a peek! K-Starr is the leading expert for ROM and Mobility when it comes to Crossfit, and pretty damn smart in my opinion.

I need an opinion from our Runners of the box....
What would you say to a separate programming 1-2 Days each week that had interval runs and endurance paired with the daily WOD? It's an idea I am toying with because I know how many of our Crossfitters love to run and compete in Triathalons and Marathons. It would be once or twice a week, possibly before Saturday 10am WOD and once more during the week. It would work like a pre-WOD assignment or Interval Training. I would prescribe sprint intervals at certain distances either on the rower or running and you would complete it prior to that days WOD (Saturday you would be allowed in the gym at 9am so you could finish and still attend the Saturday WOD). Let me know what you think!

WOD: For Time....
Row 500m
10-8-6-4-2 Pull-Ups
2-4-6-8-10 Deadlifts (255/185)

Hybrid: Enjoy Your Rest Day!

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