Let's Have a Little Talk...
Lately, there have been small complaints about schedule and such within the box. I understand it can be frustrating trying to find that perfect time to come in and get so much done within an hour and then leave. I hope you understand that I am limited to what I can do at this point in time. Believe me when I say that things are in the works that will expand on what operations we may have at CF United. In addition, there are a couple new rules added to the rule list in the box (On the Whiteboard)...
1. DO NOT LEAVE CHALK ON THE FLOOR!!! (Burpee Penalty/Chalk Privileges Revoked)
2. There is only ONE COACH! I understand everyone has experience and encouragement to offer, however it is my job to be the coach on technique, drills, etc...when it comes to the classes.
Furthermore, I set class times month to month because every month is trial and error with what class times work for certain people. The 6:30pm Technique and Skill session is clearly not what is being sought after so I will take it upon myself to make sure Skill/Technique will be emphasized more-so within the classes set. Please understand that in the bigger classes it will be difficult and lead to going the full hour and even running a bit later in order to properly cool down.
Classes will be structured from here on out as follows...
Warm-Up: 10 Minutes (I will set a timer)
Skill Work: Skills will emphasize technique and building up to proper weight and scale for workouts (10-15 Minutes)
WOD: You know the deal....
Cool-Down/ROM: This will be 10-15 minutes set aside at the end of each class for proper cool down, possible muscle balance and Range of Motion work.
If you CAN NOT go the full class period, let me know ahead of time!!!
WOD: 21-15-9
AbMat Sit-Ups
Hybrid: Max Effort Push-Jerk
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