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Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hello Everyone,

Hope you are staying warm out there!

Paleo Challenge: Don't forget your homework assignment and to get into the gym and get measured/paid up ASAP! We're going to start strong! For the next week of strictly veggies, meats, and some fruits I want you to go for mix and matching of these food categories. Don't try and get too fancy with recipes just yet. Learn how to properly cook meat, how to contrast flavors, and how to properly time what you are eating. I have sent out the e-mail with the quick info and I will be posting and discussing new stuff with you as we go!

WOD: Tabatta!!
-KB Swing
-AbMat Sit-Ups
-Row (Total Cal)


  1. QUCK NOTE: There is now a penalty for showing up late to the classes! Classes are set so everyone can start at the same time and on the same page. Showing up late puts the class behind and sacrifices time catching you up that could be helping the class.
    First 5 Min Late: 25 Burpees
    First 10 Min Late: 50 Burpees
    First 15 Min Late: 100 Burpees
