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Monday, August 22, 2011

New Week and Some New Trends....

I bet a lot of you are wondering what our new trends are going to be. First of all, I will be posting PDF articles pertaining to fitness and nutrition up at the gym :D This will allow for a bit more knowledge to be tossed into our WOD's as far as tech and mobility work so I will know who's reading the material I provide. Second, I will be posting tech videos ever day or so on the blog so if the website says to check the blog, I suggest doing so. Some of the vids will be serious as far as coaching points, and some might not be.....

Today's Selection, Kipping Pull-Ups. A lot of people have been struggling with the push-away at the top of the bar as well as recycling the momentum stored.

WOD: 6 Rounds
14 Pull-Ups

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