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Friday, January 28, 2011

Hope Everyone is Ready...

Starting next week, new programming will be in effect. This will take into account standard CF Strength days, active recovery days, and rest days. I will detail this more in one of the next blogs and the newsletter set to come out next week. Also, if you are interested in taking part in the Paleo Challenge group starting the second week of February, you might want to think about attending CSC's nutrition lecture on Feb. 2nd at the gym. I'll keep you posted on updates as they come. If you have any questions, please just ask.

Skill/Warm-Up: Ring/Parallete Holds

Hang-Power Clean 5x5
Weighted-Dips 5x5

WOD: 21-15-9
Hang Cleans (135/95)
Box Jump

Cash-Out: 100 Double Unders

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting, can't wait to take part in the new programming. I'll try and make it to the lecture and I would like to take part in the Paleo challenge. I've done the 14 day bootcamp and got great results, but have "lost" the strict adherence that I had. I know, excuses are like assholes, but maybe the "competition" will get things restarted. Looking forward to it.
