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Monday, January 24, 2011

New Week!

New week, and new things are going in motion for United. This weekend really helped open my eyes to a lot of stuff out there that I need to be showing or getting everyone at United involved in! The Athletes 4 Athletes competition was a great experience and a great opportunity to support Special Olympics of Missouri. Pictures/Videos and links to other pictures and videos will be posted as soon as I have them. For those of you who are eager to know how we did, here are our final places at the tournament...
Ben Frissell-6th
Nate Bacott-9th
Eric Skibinski-12th
Josh Green-15th
James Patterson-20th
Matt Keel-24th

There were 31 male competitors and 20 female competitors at the event. I just want to say job well done for our guys, and we had some awesome PR's, especially in the deadlift!

In the spirit of this weekend, I thought I would share with you one of our workouts from the weekend! Don't worry for those of you who competed, I have a great workout prepared for you too! But here is what I want those who didn't compete to have fun with at the gym today! Enjoy!

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
6 Squat Cleans (135/95)
9 Burpee Box Jumps
12 KB Swings

For the competitors of this weekend, your WOD is as follows...

Tabatta Your Body
-Perform Tabatta of the following movements (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest for 8 Rotations)
Skin the Cats (Rings)
FTB (Feet to Bar)

Hope to have a great turn-out this week!

1 comment:

  1. 1st WOD: If you can't perform those movements, we have the scaled version prepared for you as well so don't worry!

    2nd WOD: If you can't complete these movements, the substitutions are...
    -Seated Roll-Ups
    -Parallette Holds
    -K2C or K2E
    -Lunges (You can do them!)
