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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Post-Gymnastics Cert Part 1 : Getting YOU Ready...

Hello Everyone!!!

As many of you know, I attended the Crossfit Gymnastics Certification/Workshop this past weekend. Let me tell you, I got way more than I paid for in regards to coaching protocols, programming, etc... One thing I didn't expect was the path to which Tucker (instructor of the cert) would Coach as well as how he looked at his coaching, clients, applications, etc...

This is part 1 of a mini-series of blog posts to help you gain some perspective into what I will be coaching/saying from now one as well as looking within yourself to get the most out of your experiences with Crossfit, nutrition, life, and so on...

(Our own Firefighter Jen Kamp participated in battling a 10 hour fire this past weekend)

Part 1: Getting YOU Ready...

Tucker discussed many different areas in regards to being a coach. Now, many times I have looked into the classes and called you all "athletes." Now that is true to some extent, but Tucker made an interesting point in calling out the coaches of the room. "Do you really think all these boxes are filled with firebreathers?" asked Tucker. He made the distinction that sure, you'll have some competitors and individuals who want to gain in their respective sport, but what was I really doing as a coach?

Crossfit is the "Sport of Fitness" but what did it originally intend to do? What were the bare bones of this thing that incorporated gymnastics, strength training, and cardiovascular endurance?....

The short answer is "Getting YOU ready."

Yes, this is a very vague statement but let's break it down a bit. Do we have athletes that play specific sports in our box? Yes. Do we have individuals training toward SPECIFIC goals? Yes. So what is it that we are getting YOU ready for? There is an answer to that too; "Whatever physical or mental challenges life decides to throw your way."

Crossfit isn't just about a PR on Fran or Back Squat. The overall idea behind this functional fitness approach is to prepare your body for anything physically or mentally demanding that life decides to throw your way. This is my purpose as your coach, and this is my purpose in life. I am here to prepare YOU and help YOU get ready.

My eyes were opened this weekend to a very cool aspect of my profession (I say profession because I don't believe this to be a "job" thanks to Tucker)... I get to take part in your preparation for life and its challenges. Whenver you come into the box, do a workout, stretch, lift, move, etc... and I give you coaching cues, commands, etc... and you get pissed at me...I take that as a compliment. I am purposely pushing you to certain limits I know you are capable of because I know that certain elements that could be thrown your way will not be as nice as me when they hit.

My Message to You Is This: In any box, gym, etc... aspect where you seek out coaching, listen and learn to EXACTLY what that coach is saying. You might not see it, but there is a relationship between what you are doing in that box and what can occur outside of that box. Don't believe me, just talk to Jen if you get the chance about her battle with that fire...I had the chance to speak with her this morning about it. This morning was one of my proudest moments as a coach, and it did not have anything to do with a sport...


Coach Nate

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Know Your Body!

Whats up Crossfitters!!!

In light of the past couple of weeks and Sectionals beginning, I felt it necessary to post. Today's topic is Knowing Your Body! What I mean by this is not only know when to back down and rest, but also know what your strengths, weaknesses, and when to get it all out!

Last week, the 7 Min Burpee AMRAP was TORTUROUS! However, a lot of people learned how to push when it was necessary and play to their strengths. A BIG SHOUT OUT TO Ben, Eric, Aaron, Matt, Jason, and Alex who all earned over 100 Reps in that WOD (There are more but I don't have all the numbers in front of me). They were Body-Weight NINJA's on that WOD and they were pretty inspirational to watch. Having said that, they knew a few things when it came to that WOD...
1. Being Body-Weight, they would be able to recovery a bit faster and possibly make multiple attempts at the WOD.
2. Being Body-Weight, they knew that 2-3 reps could make a huge difference. I.e, they PUSHED EVERY REP!
3. They fit the WOD into their programming, not the other way around.

Before I begin to rant, let this last week be an intro into getting to know yourself as an ATHLETE! Know limits, know how to push, how to scheme, how to rest/recover, and all the little details into your performance.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

MindBody Online Scheduler!!!

Hey Everyone!!!!
We FINALLY have our MindBody Online Schedule Up and Running!!!!!! You MUST start signing up for classes prior to attending classes. Why? So the coaches have an accurate account of people to make sure we have enough people/coaches there.

Here's how it works...

1. Follow this link: Crossfit United MindBody Online

2. Under each day there are "Sign Up" Tabs. Click on the next one you want to attend...

3. It will request your Name and some more info for you to "Create a New Account" (You could just go directly to "Create a New Account" also) HEAD'S UP: When entering your name, do so as you put on your Waiver when you signed up. You may already have a profile under Crossfit United and all you need to do is verify it and create your own password! If you type in your name, and a little indicator asks "Is This You?" With your name next to it, click "Yes" then verify some information (based on your waiver) and you'll be set!

4. After you have created your new account, you have the option to put your name down for recurring classes. WARNING: DO NOT PUT YOURSELF DOWN IN ADVANCE JUST TO RESERVE A SPOT AND NOT SHOW UP!!!! You'll notice we have begun to cap the classes at 15 attendants and this is going to only decrease. Our Goal is to have 12-1 Ratio of Athletes to Coaches soon.

5. After you have selected your reservation, Choose "Crossfit Classes" for $0 in the payment screen. We are still working on options where you can handle your membership payments, amounts, etc....Online! (Yea, we're that cool).

6. Please do not attempt to do anything else other than reserve a spot in the classes for yourself or your family members. We are trying to make sure coaches, equipment, etc... is sufficient enough for the groups to run smoothly.

I expect EVERY MEMBER to start becoming familiar with this program because soon enough, I will have a roster with me and unless you have talked with me personally, No Sign Up= No class attendance.

This is going to be a huge help for us to run more efficiently as well as grow our already awesome CF Community!!!! Thanks Everyone for Cooperating!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Fight Gone Bad® 7 is September 22, 2012
by Scott Zagarino
Fight Gone Bad® was created and produced 6 years ago by Scott Zagarino and the Sportsgrants Foundation. It is traditionally held the last Saturday in September every year, although specific times may vary in your area. Fight Gone Bad® has one purpose: to dedicate one workout, on one day, as one global community, for one common cause. The Sportsgrants Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was established by professional athlete and social entrepreneur Scott Zagarino. To date, Sportsgrants has raised $6.75 million and delivered record-breaking grants for a variety of charities and causes.
This year’s Fight Gone Bad® will benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, will fund 100 camp scholarships for young adults with cancer, and for the second year ever, we will benefit a third charity to be nominated and voted on by YOU.
Fight Gone Bad® 7 will be September 22, 2012. Website is now launched, so check it out for details.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Paleo SuperBowl Food!

What's Up Everyone!!! SO.....

I know most of us are thinking about Super Bowl this weekend and what to eat! You can still have an AWESOME super bowl food experience if you know what to avoid!

1. Gluten: Get gluten free beer or go for harder liquor. Check out Robb Wolfs NorCal Margarita! (Tequilla, salter water, lime juice).

2. Dairy: Try to make dips/cheese issues with Goat cheese (If your in Columbia, try Natural Grocers! They have several types of cheese using Goats milk).

3. Insulin!!!!: Go for corn chips or sweet potato fries instead of white potato's or potato chips (Corn Chips Go GREAT with Paleo Chili)

-As far as the rest goes, think about it: Meat, Veggies, fats......BURGERS, GUACAMOLE, WINGS, ETC....Make sure its a good source of protein. When in doubt, BYOB (Bring Your Own BEEF)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Word On Cleanliness....

What's Up Crossfitters!

I know with the move and all the craziness in the past few weeks things have gotten a bit hectic. However, I do need to take a few minutes and talk to you about the cleanliness of the gym.

The usage of this kind of specialty equipment and this type of facility is a PRIVILEGE! If you cannot recognize it as such then I hope you understand that certain things will suffer including equipment, safety, luxuries, etc...

Here is what I'm looking for from all of our members. Remember, I wouldn't ask you to do anything I wouldn't do or ask my coaches to do....

1. Put Equipment Back: If you use a barbell, plate, KB, Wall Ball, Lacrosse ball, etc... Put it back where you found it. If you really want to help, put it back HOW you found it! I organized the KB's myself and now they are just tossed into the general area where they were before. In regards to plates, please stack them NEATLY and LEVEL! This will avoid 2 dangers; One being warped plates and two, being a plate stack falling onto someones ankle.

2. WIPE UP YOUR MESS!!!: I have seen sweat, chalk, writing chalk, SPIT, etc... In the facility recently. We have Clorox wipes, a mop, and rags for you to WIPE UP YOUR MESS!!! Just a heads up, if I see ANYONE SPIT ON MY FLOOR, you will either perform your 100 Burpee penalty IN THE SPIT or you will leave. There is no excuse to spit on the floor in here around other's.

3. Be Respectful of the Equipment Provided: I understand we have intensity with workouts and such but please be respectful! This includes wiping off Wall-Balls, AbMats, the Pull-Up bars, the Barbells, etc... Whether it be chalk or you just used it to stretch, I don't care. Take care of the equipment that is helping you reach your goals!

If we can handle these 3 things, I have no doubt we will have an amazing and CLEAN facility to work in! Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Big Shout Outs!!!

I'd like to give a couple shout-outs to some members and soon to be members!

Keel, Rich, Tyler, Alex, Stephen, and anyone I might be forgetting...HUGE CONGRATS ON YOUR FIRST MUSCLE UPS!!!!!!

On-Rampers: Great job handling Fran last week! I know shes a tough one but you came through in fine fasion!!!! Our On-Ramp is one of the biggest most people have ever heard of!!! You guys make it extremely amazing! All of you are very coachable, extremely intuitive, and support each other greatly!!! Keep up the good work!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

So you wanna Compete....

Hey Everyone,

Second post of the day...I must be on a roll! I know a lot of you have been hearing about this past weekend and Crossfit United making a great showing of athletic ability at the 2nd Annual Athletes 4 Athletes benefiting the Special Olympics in Lee's Summit, MO. I thought I would take this opportunity to put things into perspective about competing in Crossfit. Many people think its not for them and that may be so, but if you are thinking about competing, I'd like to show you a few of our athletes and where they started.....

Jen: Jen arrived at CFU last year with a pretty athletic background. However, she had persistent problems with athletic injuries which were not making workouts or her job as a firefighter for Columbia much easier. On Saturday, Jen Front Squatted (knee movement??) 150lbs for 3-Reps in the 2nd event of the day! This was almost 105% of her body weight! She finished 2nd in the competition in the womens scaled division after an awesome head-to-head with another one of our athletes....

Carrie: Carrie came to us as a teacher and soon to be entrepreneur. As far as I can remember, she would struggle with certain aspects of workouts like any other athlete, especially pull-ups :) Eric, one of our coaches, told me that she came to him with a very stern attitude and said "I want to compete," and compete she did! She placed 3rd overall in the womens scaled placing top 5 or better in all 3 events on Saturday! An overall stellar performance!

Severin: Severin was a true "Garage Crossfitter" before he came to join us. He is a Ph.D in Biochemistry and an avid outdoorsman. When he arrived at CFU he needed quite a bit of work on some technical skills but other than that he was in very good shape! Severin placed top 20 in the Male Rx'D division on Saturday with some pretty awesome performances including a 255lb Front Squat for 3-Reps (137% Bodyweight).

Kendall: Kendall has always been an endurance type athlete but when she joined us at CFU, she began to hit the weights just as hard as she had been hitting the pavement. Kendall placed 5th in the Women's Rx'D division with some pretty stellar performances including accomplishing nearly 7 rounds on the heavy deadlift/double-under workout (deadlift=175lbs for 5 Reps Each Round).

Just some perspecive on how our athletes are very different in a lot of elements but all came with a drive to compete and do well. I am extremely proud of how everyone competed and pushed their limits!

Meet Robb Wolf!

Hello Everyone,

Whether you are a long time Crossfitter or an On-Ramper, you more than likely have heard me talk about Robb Wolf. He is the author of "The Paleo Solution" and one of the head's of the "Paleo Movement". I've decided to let you hear all the things I've been saying and preaching about Paleo nutrition and such from the source. Enjoy!

Friday, January 20, 2012

On Ramp Resources!!!

Hello Everyone!!

On Rampers and CF Lovers alike, here are some great web resources for Paleo nutrition and training!

Paleo Nutrition!

Meat and Nut Breakfast!

The Many Negatives of Aerobic Training!

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Updates with INTERNET at the location!

Hey Everyone!!!!

This move has proved to be pretty crazy so here are some updates:

1. CFU might be closed (will know for sure Thursday) Friday and Saturday of this week. Reason? Equipment is being delivered!!! We will be setting it up along with competing in Lee's Summit for CFU this weekend so Monday we should be ALL SET UP!!!!!

2. I will start to post "CWC/Open Gym" times on the site each day. These are when our Olympic lifting club comes in, when I workout, and we will have it as an open gym period for approved members. Basically, if you're just starting out then this time isn't for you...yet! Open Gym is a privilege. I will be working out, the CWC team will be working out, and you will not have a coach! I will help if I can, but its a time for you to work on skills, make up a WOD, etc....Make me proud!

3. Unfortunately, we need to make an announcement on respecting the gym space. Some of the trainers jump ropes, tape, etc... have been used without permission and are being damaged (my cable sheeth included :( Here's the deal, before using any personal equipment in the gym as in jump ropes, hand wraps, etc... Please ask to make sure it is for public use. If not, and the owner is not there, you do not have permission to use it.

4. The trainers offic/PT room is NOT a public area. If the door is closed, please knock. I understand the 2nd bathroom is in there but we have to be respectful of others privacy when they are consulting with a client.

All in all, the move is going smooth and everything is coming together. I appreciate all of your understanding and flexibility! Keep up the great work!